
When a local Houston business approached us with their refreshment service woes, we knew we had to step in. Their existing vending solutions, while functional, lacked the modern look and feel that their employees deserved. They needed a refreshment overhaul, and VENDICO was the perfect partner to provide it.
Our team of experts got to work, assessing their needs, and understanding their vision for the refreshment services. We initiated a complete vending solution overhaul, introducing modern vending machines, and incorporating several healthy snack options, catering to the wellness-conscious employees.
But it wasn’t merely about the machines. We revamped the entire refreshment service experience, emphasizing aesthetics, cleanliness, and ease of use. We ensured the vending area was well-lit, making it an attractive place for employees to congregate and socialize.
The result was astonishing. The employees were not only pleased with the new look but also appreciated the healthy snack options, which had been non-existent before. The cleanliness of the area and the ease of use contributed significantly to employee satisfaction, resulting in an 80% increase.
Our successful partnership with this Houston business serves as a testament to our commitment to excellence and our ability to provide tailored vending solutions that meet the unique needs of each client.

Key points

User Testimonial

Jessica Simon
Vendico’s vending solutions have significantly improved our office’s productivity. Their state-of-the-art vending machines are stocked with high-quality products, and their customer service is unparalleled. Thank you, Vendico, for providing exceptional service.